
Character design for a webgame

It’s just one area of this brief
There are 4 characters in this environment.

Description of characters
Chiung Chi
Vestige of god destroyed underground city
A four foots monster which its body looks like bull, face looks like a tiger. It gets hedgehog’s thorn on its skin. In addition, it can fly with its wings and understand people talking. Its yell sounds like a dog. It’s the king of all evil monsters.
White tiger
Vestige of god destroyed underground city
One of four god beasts. It is a very powerful mars and god of killer
God soldier of extinguish sun
Vestige of god destroyed underground city
A war-god who is violence and like fighting. He had ever tried to kill the kind of god. Thus, he was kicked out from god race forever. Then, he decided to join demon group.
Betrayer of god
(Fallen angels)
Vestige of god destroyed underground city
He had ever been a crime god who listens to people’s selfish desire to bright disaster and misfortune to earth. He was judged guilt in the god race. Thus, he decided to betrayer heaven.

Chiung Chi

White tiger

God soldier of extinguish sun

Betrayer of god 

Relationship between the characters
They are independent character in this area.
But they have same objective. All of them want to destroy god.
Chiung Chi’s level is like a king in this environment because it’s most powerful character.
White tiger is also very strong and it moves very fast. It’s a small boss in this area.
God soldier of extinguish sun and Betrayer of god were one of gods. Now, they have gone over the demon part because some reason. Both of them have very high strength, but they are not stronger then Chiung Chi and White tiger.


Learning facial expression from the film “Tangle”

It’s first time I think Disney found back their character and story style.
There’re many funny facial expressions to be presented in the story. It’s exaggerated, but the reality feeling of character is still kept. It's interesting  to think about the connection between facial outline and facial features specifically. So, I followed the draft of tangle to draw the expression of character.

The 3 key points of drawing facial expression :
1.   Eyebrow – It controls the form of forehead and the skin between forehead and nose, eyes.
2.   Mouth -It controls the form chin, cheek and philtrum.
3.   Wrinkle shows people are strangely pushing some part of their face.
When the three parts are changed, the outline of face has to be changed even though the character just slightly moves one of them.
Why should we care about facial outline of character?
Because, it can make the character’s face more nature and dramatic, especially as the exaggerated expression is presented. When you understand and adapt to draw how the three parts change human’s facial expression, the nature and dramatic character will be under control.

The other thing needs to be careful.
If the character just follows the general concept to draw the exaggerated expression, the exaggerated expression could change the original design very much. So, keep drawing different facial expression to find out the perfect model of character in every emotion and situation before the character start to be applied.  

Tsung-Yu Yeh (Peter)


Painter creations - 1

Recently, I started to give my character colour again.
The process made me get more experience about this software.
It became very interesting to me.
This creation was finished 2 weaks ago.
Compare my before works, I think it's much better and this practice made me understand different brush more.
In this case, I used Digital Watercolor to be my background. This brush can show the watercolor feeling and not too wet. Moreover, its effect doesn't need to wait a long time like using watercolor.
Charcoal was the main brush for painting the character's major body. The most interesting part was that the bruch could display the pattern of paper. Making the colour more  interesting.
Airbrushes was the brush which I thought it's easier to draw the mood and shadow of the character.
The three brushes were very useful for me in the moment.

This is my first work by Painter.
I used Watercolor brush and a lot of brushes to build it.
I didn't know which brush is suitable me. So, it's not very well.


character design of Disney

This is my first peoject in the MA course.

The brief was from Disney.

 I tried to create a idea character for this brief
Eagle is the first character which I created for this brief.
But, I thought it's not very interesting character. I need more creative ideas.